If you have tried one weight loss program after another without ever being successful for long, you are probably making some big diet mistakes. You can be given the best diet plan in the world, but it won't work if your attitude is wrong.
The following 3 major diet mistakes are
responsible for hundreds or thousands of people going off plan and failing to
achieve the weight loss that they deserve. Take the time to consider what
effect they may be having on you.
1. Expecting Perfection
Nobody is perfect. We have all heard that
statement countless times, but many of us still find it hard to apply it to
ourselves and our diets. We take an all-or-nothing approach, thinking we have
to stick to our diet plan 100% of the time, perfectly, or there's no point
following it at all.
This puts huge pressure on us and makes us
feel terrible if we slip up. It also means that after a slip-up we are likely
to think, "I've messed up yet another diet, I just can't do this," or
"This diet doesn't work," and abandon it. In short,
perfection-related diet mistakes mean that we will use the smallest slip-up as
an excuse for a massive binge.
This problem is worst for dieters who like
to follow very restricted plans where no treats are allowed. Inevitably, life
gets in the way and instead of planning how to cope with the challenge of a
party or a wedding, they try to eat nothing all day and then cave in,
abandoning the diet completely.
Your weight loss does not have to be a
straight downward line. It's OK to have occasional diet mistakes, slips and
gains along the way, as long as the overall trend is downward. And it's much
better in the long term to lose weight slowly. It's much more likely to stay
off that way.
2. The Band-Aid Attitude To Dieting
Many dieters see their weight loss plan as
a temporary fix that they will use for a short time and then abandon as soon as
they have reached their target weight. We call this the band-aid approach to
dieting, and it's the second of our major diet mistakes.
People who see a diet as a temporary
measure will often pick very restricted eating plans and then go back to their
old eating habits after the diet ends. If you do that, all of the weight will
go back on, in 99% of cases.
Unless you only have a few pounds to lose,
it is much better to pick an eating plan that gives you flexibility. You need
something that you can follow for weeks, months or even years. In fact, you
need something that will allow you to live your life.
Instead of using a band-aid, you need a
diet that will become like a new skin: a permanent way of eating that will
enable to maintain your goal weight after you achieve it.
3. The Wrong Goals
That leads us to the third of our big diet
mistakes: setting the wrong goals. In
anything that we do, goals should be clear, set out in steps and
achievable. In terms of weight loss, this means that as well as having an idea
of your ideal weight or clothes size, you should also set smaller goals along
the way, and reward yourself for each one achieved (but not with food!).
Be flexible about your final goal: as you
approach it, you may want to change it. That's OK. If you avoid these diet
mistakes and have the right attitude toward dieting, you will be able to
achieve a weight that you are happy with - and that is much more important than
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