Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Training program tips and pointers to build your best body

12:37 PM No Comments

By Max Shongr

We want to help you get results! Choosing the correct training program is vital to your success. The best way to succeed is to put all your effort into a single focus. Here are the steps

What result would you like to achieve?

Why are you going to train? To look better, be healthier or compete in a specific sport. Whatever you chose don't let anything distract you.

The reason is that you produce far better results when you focus. For example, building muscle and burning fat require opposite approaches. The one requires more calories and the other less. For a average person it takes about 3500 calories to build muscle and 2200 calories to lose fat.

Choose a training program

Your body requires a specific program. It must also be flexible to work around your job. Its best to take it slow at first and get a program you like and will continue with. To burn fat the quickest keep your rest between exercises short. Sprinting is a excellent exercise but rather do it at a pace you are comfortable with.

Learn Proper eating habits.

No matter how much training you do in the gym your body will continue to look the same unless you eat properly. Foods you eat have a effect on your hormones which tell your body to store fat or to burn it. Natural foods are the best. Foods that have been changed from its natural state into a commercial product are probably not good to eat. Also carbohydrates are not the enemy. Eating too much of the bad carbohydrates are the problem.

Focus all your efforts

Don't jump around looking for the next best diet or training program. Stick to your plan for the duration of the program and give it 100% of your effort. Don't let anything distract you. We all fall for looking for the perfect program and we jump from one program to the next. The perfect program is the one that you stick to. Focusing all your efforts is the key to success.

This is how you can multiply your results

Have you experienced taking two steps forward and one step back. Most people tend to do this often and they miss out on many opportunities. If you always gave your best effort and didn't take any steps back imaging how much more successful you will be and how different your body would look. Sometimes our one step back keeps us back far longer than we would like.

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