Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mia lost 31 pounds, But How ?

12:49 PM No Comments

Mia lost 31 pounds with a low carb diet and the help of a good friend.  Here is what she shared with us:
Hello my name is Mia and I would like to share my story.  I started my transformation in February 2012. I’ll never forget going to Miami with my girlfriends for a birthday celebration. After the trip, I remember looking at pictures we had taken and I was so unhappy with what I saw. I needed to do something to get this weight off. One of my girlfriends suggested we all go on a diet at the same time.

 She showed us what to eat and how much we should eat.  This required eating a lot of meat, something that I didn’t care for. However, in order to get the weight down I buckled down and did it.

For the first week I only ate a very low carb dietconsisting of meat (chicken, fish, turkey and shrimp) along with 5 calorie drinks. After that first two weeks I weighted myself. I went from 161lbs to 150lbs and I was so proud that I had achieved that.  I continued with my new eating habits and added vegetables and fruits. Within months, I was down from 161lbs to 130.  I have been able to maintain my weight loss and I must say that it feels great.  I hope that my story will help encourage others to stick to their plans. It may be a struggle at first, but don’t give up! Your goal is one less snack or fast food meal away! Stay encouraged, have faith in yourself and believe your goal can be reached.
Mia weight loss low carb
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On the Road With Biggest Loser Winner Danni Allen

12:43 PM No Comments

After losing 121 pounds and winning The Biggest Loser in March, Danni Allen has been on a whirlwind tour sharing what she's learned on the ranch (no doubt a lot, with Jillian Michaels as her coach). I caught up with her at the IDEA World Fitness Convention in LA and asked her how she's been sticking with her new healthy-living goals even while being on the road all Summer. Here are Danni's smart tips for staying in shape while traveling.
  1. Bring a snack: You never know when hunger is going to strike, so make sure you're prepared. Danni packs celery sticks with hummus and nuts (a handful at a time, about two ounces) mixed with Craisins to help power through hunger. Most importantly, Danni says, is to eat your snacks mindfully to help you feel satisfied. "I'm very conscious when I eat," she explains. "I think a lot of us will just throw stuff in our mouths and not realize. I'm looking at the food and being focused on it, so that way I'm mentally recognizing that I'm eating."

  2. Research your destination: It can be easy to just pull into whatever drive-through you spy first from the freeway, but a few minutes on your phone before you get to your next stop can help you line up healthier alternatives. "I tend to stick to nonprocessed foods when I'm on the road, so I don't want to be going to that fast-food burger place down the street," Danni says. "I'll look up whatever grass-fed beef they have in the area, or I'll keep it as clean as I can."
  3. Pack your fitness: It doesn't take much luggage space to stay fit on the road. Danni relives the ranch by always carrying Jillian Michaels DVDs in her bag; the first-time marathoner — she's currently training for the Chicago Marathon in October — also makes sure she packs running shoes to stay fit no matter where she is. "I can leave my hotel room and go for a run. There's no excuses," she says.
  4. BYOB: Bring your own water bottle — drinking more water can help get your mind off a grumbling stomach. "I always carry water with me, 24/7, because that's a good little hunger curb," Danni explains. Sometimes dehydration can be mistaken for hunger, so filling up your reusable water bottle throughout the day is a smart idea.
Source: Getty

Four Natural And Cheap Weight Loss Remedie

12:30 PM No Comments

Weight loss is one of the most talked about subjects today and many are searching for that perfect plan that will take care of all their weight problems. Some people will use expensive diets, extreme exercise, and even surgery. According to PRWeb, weight loss and health products are expected to be a $66 billion industry this year.

Natural remedies may be the weapon needed to help fight obesity. They can be used to provide people with healthy and inexpensive alternatives to achieve weight loss. Some drinks or fluids have been proven to work with the body to accelerate fat burning and suppress appetite. Before spending more money on useless products, consider the following suggestions for natural weight loss.

4 Natural Remedies for Weight loss

1. Water.

Most people know that the body needs water for hydration and optimum functioning of organs, but it also promotes weight loss. For a person to effectively lose weight, they must reduce the intake of daily calories. One way to consume fewer calories is to drink a full glass of water before every meal and snack. Drinking water before a meal will cause a person's stomach to feel full quicker, therefore causing them to eat less.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar.

According to an online article by Natural News, apple cider vinegar may accelerate weight loss because it helps to control blood sugar levels and suppress appetite. The recommended dosage is two tablespoons in a glass of water daily.

3. Green Tea.

Recent studies show that drinking green tea causes the body to release fat and burn calories. The reason for that seems to be because of a substance found in green tea called catechins, which reduces inflammation and fat storage. Green tea also helps fight cancer and many other pro-inflammatory diseases. Dr. Zuo Feng Zhang, a researcher at the University of Maryland Medical Center, recommends drinking two to three cups a day.

4. Green Smoothie.

A mother named Katherine Natalia, lost 56 lbs and overcame a debilitating disease by drinking green smoothies everyday. So, what is a green smoothie? A green smoothie is a combination of blended fruits and vegetables. It usually consists of vegetables such as kale, spinach, greens, and parsley. The fruits that are added most often are green apples, bananas, and strawberries. The green smoothie is beneficial for weight loss because fruits and vegetables are loaded with water, fiber and vitamins. These nutrients revitalize the body, remove toxins, and supply the body with energy needed to achieve a healthy weight.

Weight loss does not have to be difficult or expensive. People only need to make realistic goals, find out what weight loss remedy will work for them and stick with it. Following these simple, natural weight loss suggestions will help many people to achieve physical health and a slimmer body.

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Extreme Weight Loss Mike August 13 Episode (Preview)

12:22 PM No Comments

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Extreme Weight Loss Mike is the episode which will premiere on Tuesday, August 13. It will follow Mike Epstein, from Voorhees, New Jersey, as he undertakes a year-long journey to loss weight and qualify for the skin surgery he will need to remove excess skin after he losses at least half of his initial body weight.
Mike is a family man who is on the verge of becoming 50 years old at the start of the episode. Also, he is about to celebrate his 20th. wedding anniversary. He’d like to lose up to half of the 417 pounds he begins the episode weighing, so he can be a “superhero” to his three kids and a “knight in shining armor” to his deserving wife.
Once a tremendous athlete in college, maintaining a vigorous nutrition and weight-lifting regimen, something dramatic happened in his life to change his lifestyle and eating habits for the worse.
Following his father’s untimely death, Mike’s body seemed to forget what healthy living was like, and he got into the habit of overeating to deal with the loss he felt. Also, his focus shifted more from physical fitness to spending time with his family.
However, Mike has decided he no longer wants to stay on the path he’s found himself on, of continuing to gain weight and get more and more unhealthy as a result. With the help of transformational coach and co-host (with his wife, Heidi) Chris Powell, he wants to leave his unhealthy lifestyle and extra weight behind him for good.
Mike’s intense desire to reverse his unhealthy slide is unlike anything that Chris Powell has ever seen before when he’s worked with his clients, but is desire enough?
When Mike becomes the first participant ever to fail the routine medical exam at boot camp, how will Chris handle this new situation, and help move Mike forward on his weight loss journey?
Chris likes to give participants on Extreme Weight Loss an extra added incentive to meet their weight loss goals in each of the four 3-month phases. For instance, he wants to give Mike, for achieving one of his milestone goals,  a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the chance to box with five-time World Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield.
It will be interesting to see what his reaction is when he gets to meet Holyfield, and how he does boxing against him. Also, as always, I’m sure there will be some tear-jerking moments, and struggles along the way. Which of the phases will be the toughest for him? Will Mike meet his ultimate weight loss goal, and qualify for the surgery?
Find out Tuesday, August 13 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on Extreme Weight Loss on the ABC Television Network.

Written by: Douglas Cobb

Monday, August 5, 2013

Best Give Up Tips You Will Read This Year

7:12 PM No Comments

Best Give Up Tips You Will Read This Year


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Are You Making These 3 Diet Mistakes In Your Program ?

8:54 AM No Comments

If you have tried one weight loss program after another without ever being successful for long, you are probably making some big diet mistakes. You can be given the best diet plan in the world, but it won't work if your attitude is wrong.

The following 3 major diet mistakes are responsible for hundreds or thousands of people going off plan and failing to achieve the weight loss that they deserve. Take the time to consider what effect they may be having on you.

1. Expecting Perfection

Nobody is perfect. We have all heard that statement countless times, but many of us still find it hard to apply it to ourselves and our diets. We take an all-or-nothing approach, thinking we have to stick to our diet plan 100% of the time, perfectly, or there's no point following it at all.

This puts huge pressure on us and makes us feel terrible if we slip up. It also means that after a slip-up we are likely to think, "I've messed up yet another diet, I just can't do this," or "This diet doesn't work," and abandon it. In short, perfection-related diet mistakes mean that we will use the smallest slip-up as an excuse for a massive binge.

This problem is worst for dieters who like to follow very restricted plans where no treats are allowed. Inevitably, life gets in the way and instead of planning how to cope with the challenge of a party or a wedding, they try to eat nothing all day and then cave in, abandoning the diet completely.

Your weight loss does not have to be a straight downward line. It's OK to have occasional diet mistakes, slips and gains along the way, as long as the overall trend is downward. And it's much better in the long term to lose weight slowly. It's much more likely to stay off that way.

2. The Band-Aid Attitude To Dieting

Many dieters see their weight loss plan as a temporary fix that they will use for a short time and then abandon as soon as they have reached their target weight. We call this the band-aid approach to dieting, and it's the second of our major diet mistakes.

People who see a diet as a temporary measure will often pick very restricted eating plans and then go back to their old eating habits after the diet ends. If you do that, all of the weight will go back on, in 99% of cases.

Unless you only have a few pounds to lose, it is much better to pick an eating plan that gives you flexibility. You need something that you can follow for weeks, months or even years. In fact, you need something that will allow you to live your life.

Instead of using a band-aid, you need a diet that will become like a new skin: a permanent way of eating that will enable to maintain your goal weight after you achieve it.

3. The Wrong Goals

That leads us to the third of our big diet mistakes: setting the wrong goals. In  anything that we do, goals should be clear, set out in steps and achievable. In terms of weight loss, this means that as well as having an idea of your ideal weight or clothes size, you should also set smaller goals along the way, and reward yourself for each one achieved (but not with food!).

Be flexible about your final goal: as you approach it, you may want to change it. That's OK. If you avoid these diet mistakes and have the right attitude toward dieting, you will be able to achieve a weight that you are happy with - and that is much more important than numbers.

Witch one of these solutions you choose for your problem ?