To lose 1 pound of fat you need to cut 3,500 calories by eating fewer calories or exercising more.
Fletcher, a well known RD and weight lose author is quoted saying "As your body mass is reduced through weight loss, you need fewer calories than you did when you were heavier,"
Obesity is a common problem, and that is why many of us often worry about how to lose five pounds in a week. However, fighting obesity is often reduced to the fight against the extra weight - which is totally wrong! Losing weight does not necessarily mean you are losing fat.
If a person says they have lost, say, five pounds, means that this person had lost five kilos of extra fat? Well, Not necessarily. Body weight is a measure of total mass and consists of fat, bones, muscles, internal organs and various body fluids.
Let me give you an example: In hot weather, your body may be losing a bit of sweat water. You can also lose a lot of water when it's hot - for taking diuretics. Under such circumstances, you may lose five to 10 pounds, while the amount of fat loss is zero.
Here's a another example: Let's say on day one, you eat and drink, while in the second day you can't even think about food. If you weigh yourself the next morning, you will see weight loss - a maximum of five pounds or more. In other words, a fast day helped you lose, say, 5 pounds. How much of this is actually fat?
Nothing at all! - For the simple reason that all that weight loss was a result of the evacuation of undigested food eaten from the previous day and water loss through sweat, urine and the moisture in exhaled air. That weight lose of five pounds, was actually a total fat loss of zero.
Here's yet another example. In hot weather, your body may be losing a bit of water by sweating. You can lose a lot of water when it's hot - for taking diuretics. Under such circumstances, you may lose five pounds or even 10 pounds, while the amount of fat loss, as in the previous example, is still zero.
Some, "dieticians" deceive their customers, by telling them,"Here's how you can lose five pounds in a week." then gives them diuretics-laced drinks or cocktails such as obesity medication to lose the extra weight. This method of weight loss can certainly cause the loss of five pounds, as many obese people are regularly constipated and this method can trigger bowel movements which more often then not leads to weight loss. However, do not be naive: weight lost in this way has nothing to do with fat loss.
As we explained earlier, you can often lose weight and fat faster. One question that arises is: can you lose five pounds "honestly" through fat loss alone? It all depends on the diet selected. The purpose of any remedy fat loss diet is to create a negative energy balance and thus stimulate the body to spend its own fat reserves.
For example, in order to maintain the level of body weight, power consumption by the food should be equal to energy expenditure. For weight loss to occur, you must create a negative energy balance, ie spend more energy the body receives.
Diets may be classified as follows by the size of the daily intake of calories that are allowed:
1. The regular diet daily calorie intake allowed is more or less equal to the daily requirements of the body, 1700-2200 cal. With this diet, the negative energy balance would be about 200 to 500 cal per day, so the body loses weight gradually, in increments of 20-50 grams per day.
2. Low calorie diet: daily intake of 1200-1500 cal balance, negative energy: 500-900 cal, daily fat loss: about 50 to 100 grams.
3. Rigid diet: daily consumption of 400 to 800 cal balance, negative energy: 1.400 to 1.800 cal, daily fat loss: up to 200 grams.
Generally, the regular diet is not very popular for weight loss as fat loss occur very slowly - it would not lose five pounds in a week. Rigid diet would ensure the highest rate of weight loss, but many find it very painful. Hence the low calorie diet, as a compromise.
Beyond fasting is total, while the body does not get the nutrients at all, just water. NPO is popular because it is easier to bear than the rigid diet and may lose kilos quickly.
But let's ask a question here: Is the complete weight loss occurs because of the fat? Of course not! Fasting body spends too little energy, lime 1800-2000 daily on the maximum, which corresponds to the loss of approximately 200 g of fat (with the same rigid diet).
Any other weight loss occurs through energy expenditure from other soft tissues. Part of the weight loss is through reduction in muscle mass as the protein in muscle is the only nutrient capable of being converted into glucose.
While fasting, the body is forced to use muscle to convert protein into glucose. Glucose is needed to synthesize a catalyst to the Krebs cycle, which is the main body process to produce energy. Body fat serves as fuel for the Krebs cycle, but a catalyst (synthesized from glucose) is needed to burn that fuel.
Unfortunately, glucose is spent little by little, and therefore needs to be recharged. Thus, the fast provides another example, while the total weight loss than fat loss. Therefore, if you ever decide to fast, not to read too rapid weight loss and do not believe that this is the way to lose five pounds in a week, they have not lost much fat.
Remember that the actual loss of fat here only amount to about 200 g per day. Therefore, we are in a good position now to answer that question we asked earlier: how fast can you reduce your weight "honestly" through fat loss alone? The answer should be 200 g per day maximum. If you lose more than that, make sure you know what explains this difference.
Indeed, with the rigid diet weight loss real can in the time to overcome the theoretical 200 g, which means that the body is "eating" some of the soft tissues. In such a case be necessary to revise daily ration to ensure that the body is receiving sufficient catalyst to synthesize carbohydrates sufficient for the Krebs cycle, instead of using the protein from its own soft tissue for the purpose.
Accolades to Dmitry Trackin a noted Author, researcher, professional. Health and nutrition consultant with over 17 years experience. Specializing in weight management, sports nutrition and training, disease prevention.
His innovative methods of weight loss helped thousands of men and women, improve their health, energy and metabolism!
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