Thursday, February 21, 2013

Quick Weight Loss Program and Diets That Work

3:56 PM No Comments

If you want to lose weight, selecting the right weight loss program is absolutely essential to your success. There are a seemingly unlimited number of weight loss programs available on the market today so how can you decide which one is right for you? This is a question I see a lot from both men and women looking for the right program to follow. It's a confusing situation to be in I can imagine; wanting to lose weight but not knowing which program best serves your needs. So what do you do?

Being overweight means an increased risk of heart attack, developing diabetes, and a host of other health problems.
If you are determined to lose weight, here are 10 Top Best Weight Loss Program Tips that you can implement to help achieve your goal.

1.  Learn from the meals :
Eat 4 to 6 smaller meals each day instead of the usual 3 large meals increases your metabolism. This allows the body to convert more calories into energy, helping in weight loss. Avoid eating processed foods and fast foods, instead snack on nuts and fruits. Eat more lean meat and vegetables and not only will you start to lose the weight but you will feel much more 'clean' inside.
2. Exercise regularly :
Exercise is a cliche in the fitness industry. No matter how cliched the word is but this still remains one of the genuine factors for weight loss. Recent studies have shown that it is advisable to exercise 30 minutes for 5 days in a week. Alternatively, another study has shown that 10 minutes of exercise three times a day is also effective. Thus, there is no reason for individuals to give the "no time for exercise" excuse. Always find time and discipline to exercise 4 to 5 days a week and increase your exercise intensity level every two weeks.

3. Don't measure your food, configure your plate :
If you want to have a healthy balance on your dinner plate fill half of your plate with a green salad and raw veggies. Use a spray dressing like vinaigrette for calorie control. Fill one quarter of your plate with a cooked vegetable and one quarter of your plate with your meat or protein dish. No measuring and no calorie counting. You will get a balanced meal every time. Just don't go back for seconds
4. Eat slowly :
Nearly everything in your body is controlled by the release of hormones. When you are hungry it's because your stomach has released hormones which your brain understands as a feeling of hunger. Similarly when you are full it's because your stomach releases different hormones informing your brain that it doesn't need more food. Unfortunately these processes are not instant and if you wolf down your meals your body doesn't have enough time to tell you to stop before you've finished. You can even force yourself to eat slower by using smaller cutlery so you have to take more mouthfuls.
5. Drink water :
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep hunger at bay as your stomach is kept full. Try not to drink ice cold water as this has a tendency to pass right through you! However, if you find that you are going to the bathroom too much it's your body's way of telling you to cut down.
6. Think positive thoughts :
Think positive thoughts and give yourself compliments. Don't let yourself have a negative attitude. You probably have enough of that in your life that you don't need to add to it. Leave yourself positive notes on your mirror, inside the fridge and on your sun visor. You got this! You are worth the effort! Never give up!
7. Be healthy, not thin :
Being thin does not necessarily mean that you are healthy. What is the worth of being thin when you look skinny and dull? Thus, focus your energy on being healthy by combining exercises, healthy foods, and balanced lifestyle all together. The absence of any of these factors may result from imbalance - unhealthiness. It is difficult to get lean muscles or gain muscles fast when an imbalance occurs.
Dr Charles is a successful teacher and coach. She has dedicated years of her life into the research and implementation of weight loss plans with varying aspects of diet and exercise. She has been scientifically obese, has completed multiple marathons, and has been everywhere between. She has spent the money and time to find what works and what will disappoint you. he is affiliated in planning for the best weight loss program ever created for busy people or people who have less time for exercise.
Source: Ezinearticle


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