Mick S
Eat More, Exercise Less :
So is it possible to eat more and exercise less? Would it be considered to be the best weight loss program if this were possible? Wouldn't it be great to not have to count calorie and only worry about eating sensible foods in satisfying quantities. Wouldn't it also be great to go to the gym and get a workout done in 15 minutes? How much time would that leave you to do other things like more pleasurable physical activities? This would mean burning even more fat!
Your New Method Of Training
BEFORE you try out this routine, PLEASE get a doctor to check you over to see if you will be able to handle the workload! It is a hard work out and you should build yourself up to it over the course of a couple of weeks! With that said, here's how to do it and what you should incorporate into your best weight loss program. It's called Interval Training. It only involves 2 simple steps once you've chosen your preferred cardio exercise. I suggest you use a treadmill because it forces you to keep up and you can't cheat.
Step 1: Exercise for 1 minute at 50-60% effort.
Step 2: Exercise FLAT-OUT at maximum effort for 1 minute. I repeat, FLAT-OUT!
You just repeat this cycle for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Work your way up to the maximum effort by starting at 30 second and building it up over time to 40 seconds then up to a minute.
Will it work? Consider marathon runners who run for hours on end and just analyse their bodies for a second. They burn fat but they ALSO BURN MUSCLE! You DON'T want to do that because MUSCLE IS THE FURNACE FOR BURNING FAT! If you want your program to be the best weight loss program, don't waste your time and precious muscle doing lengthy, steady paced cardio. If you also want to transform it into a FAST weight loss program, do the interval training first, and with the time you are now saving, find a 15-30 minute weights routine that focuses on compound exercises! Compound exercises are ones that the body uses as many muscles as it can to execute the exercise. The best example is the squat! It is considered the King of all muscle-building exercises!
You All Fired Up Yet? Well There's More!
Just before you go and hit the gym now that you're all pumped up ready to take on this new challenge, head over to There you will find a short VIDEO jam packed with tips and information on weight loss. Don't forget to pick up a copy of your new BONUS ebook "Winning The Weight Loss Battle!" Click Here NOW!
Just before you go and hit the gym now that you're all pumped up ready to take on this new challenge, head over to There you will find a short VIDEO jam packed with tips and information on weight loss. Don't forget to pick up a copy of your new BONUS ebook "Winning The Weight Loss Battle!" Click Here NOW!
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