Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Extreme Weight Loss Mike August 13 Episode (Preview)

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822x (13)

Extreme Weight Loss Mike is the episode which will premiere on Tuesday, August 13. It will follow Mike Epstein, from Voorhees, New Jersey, as he undertakes a year-long journey to loss weight and qualify for the skin surgery he will need to remove excess skin after he losses at least half of his initial body weight.
Mike is a family man who is on the verge of becoming 50 years old at the start of the episode. Also, he is about to celebrate his 20th. wedding anniversary. He’d like to lose up to half of the 417 pounds he begins the episode weighing, so he can be a “superhero” to his three kids and a “knight in shining armor” to his deserving wife.
Once a tremendous athlete in college, maintaining a vigorous nutrition and weight-lifting regimen, something dramatic happened in his life to change his lifestyle and eating habits for the worse.
Following his father’s untimely death, Mike’s body seemed to forget what healthy living was like, and he got into the habit of overeating to deal with the loss he felt. Also, his focus shifted more from physical fitness to spending time with his family.
However, Mike has decided he no longer wants to stay on the path he’s found himself on, of continuing to gain weight and get more and more unhealthy as a result. With the help of transformational coach and co-host (with his wife, Heidi) Chris Powell, he wants to leave his unhealthy lifestyle and extra weight behind him for good.
Mike’s intense desire to reverse his unhealthy slide is unlike anything that Chris Powell has ever seen before when he’s worked with his clients, but is desire enough?
When Mike becomes the first participant ever to fail the routine medical exam at boot camp, how will Chris handle this new situation, and help move Mike forward on his weight loss journey?
Chris likes to give participants on Extreme Weight Loss an extra added incentive to meet their weight loss goals in each of the four 3-month phases. For instance, he wants to give Mike, for achieving one of his milestone goals,  a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the chance to box with five-time World Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield.
It will be interesting to see what his reaction is when he gets to meet Holyfield, and how he does boxing against him. Also, as always, I’m sure there will be some tear-jerking moments, and struggles along the way. Which of the phases will be the toughest for him? Will Mike meet his ultimate weight loss goal, and qualify for the surgery?
Find out Tuesday, August 13 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on Extreme Weight Loss on the ABC Television Network.

Written by: Douglas Cobb


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